HYD243 Water Res. Plann. & Manag.
Water Resources Planning and Management
HYD 243 - EBS 243
ADD 1 CREDIT: HYD 298 (CRN 47524)
Syllabus Previous Term Projects
Instructor: Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis
This class focuses in an integrated water resources management approach for every sources of water and type of use, showing fundamental concepts for every aspect of coupled human and natural systems, as well as the fundamentals of decision-making processes. Programming techniques to water resources planning, analysis and management.
Key concepts learned in this class are:
- Integrated water resources management
- Natural flow regimes
- Surface water and groundwater modeling and calibration
- Performance criteria for water resources systems
- Engineering economics
- Agriculture hydrology and water needs
- Urban hydrology and water needs
- Environmental flows and environmental water management
- Reservoir operations and re-operations
- Groundwater management and aquifer recharge
- Conjunctive use of water
- Shared vision and collaborative modeling
- IWRM and decision making processes
- Environmental, Social and Water Justice
- Holistic Water resources management
Lectures: 5:10 – 6:30 pm Monday and Wednesday. Location: Hunt Hall 110
Professor: Samuel Sandoval Solis. Email: samsandoval@ucdavis.edu
Office hours: Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm. Veihmeyer Hall 135.
For an appointment please sign in: https://calendly.com/samsandoval/office-hours
For other times, please send an email to the instructor
Grading: 50% Exercises (Ex.), 10% Readings (Rd.), 10% Podcast assignment (Pd.). Late submission -10%/day
30% Term project.
Term project: Template.
Abstract/Main idea (1/2 – 1 page)
Work plan (1-2 pages)
Literature Review
Preliminary Results
Final Report: Executive Summary/abstract (1 page)
Report (7 pg. not less, not more. Not including citations) May 26th
Presentation (10 min) due May 26th and June 2nd
Readings: Register here for selecting your reading assignments and podcast assignments
Field Trip: Register here for the field trip and read the following instructions for where we are going, agenda and logistics
Data: California Water databases, useful Link, videos and books (link)
Class Calendar
Instruction Begins Monday March 31, 2025 |
What's due? |
Week |
Date |
Session |
Reading & podcast |
Homework |
Term Project |
Introduction to Water Resources Management |
1 |
Mon 31 Mar |
Discussion of Syllabus and logistics of the class (Presentation, Video) |
Wed 2 Apr |
Introduction to Water Resources Management (Presentation, Video 1 & 2) |
Rd. 1 Pod. 1 |
Environmental Flows and Water In California |
2 |
Mon 7 Apr |
Rd. 2 Pod. 2 |
Wed 9 Apr |
Water in California (Presentation, Video part 1 and 2) |
Rd. 3 Pod. 3 |
Defining Your Research Project | ||
Input Data and Model Assessment |
3 |
Mon 14 Apr |
Control volumes, conservation of mass & water budgets (Handout, Video, Excel) |
Rd. 4 Pod. 4 |
Wed 16 Apr | Streamflow Completion and, Unimpaired and Naturalized Flows (Presentation, Video, Example file) | Rd. 5 Pod. 5 |
Ex. 2 | Abstract, Introduction & Objectives | |
19 & 20 Apr |
Optional - Fieldtrip Hopland. Register Here |
Wat. Res. Modeling: Simulation and Allocation Systems |
4 |
Mon 21 Apr |
Water Resources Modeling & Principles: Simulation (Video, Presentation). Water Rights and Allocation Systems (WR 1 and 2, Handout 1 and 2). Podcast 1 & 2. |
Rd. 6 Pod. 6 |
Wed 23 Apr |
Randy Dahlgren Presentation |
Goodness of Fit and Performance Criteria |
5 |
Mon 28 Apr |
Modeling calibration, verification and validation. |
Rd. 7 Pod. 7 |
Wed 30 Apr |
Performance Criteria |
Rd. 8 Pod. 8 |
Reservoirs Re-operation and Cost - Benefit Analysis |
6 |
Mon 5 May |
Reservoir re-operation (Presentation) - Scenarios Evaluation |
Rd. 9 Pod. 9 |
Wed 7 May | Cost Benefit Analysis (Presentation, Video) | Ex. 5 | Lit. Review & Methods | ||
Fri 9 May |
Mandatory - Field Trip Bay Area. Register Here |
Groundwater Management and Optimization Modeling |
7 |
Mon 12 May |
Groundwater Management & Conjunctive use of Water (Video 1, 2 and 3, Podcast 1 2 & 3) |
Rd. 10 Pod. 10 |
Wed 14 May |
Optimization Modeling (Video, handout, Presentation) |
Risk Analysis and the Role of Scientist in Decision Making Process |
8 |
Mon 19 May |
Risk Analysis and Expected Monetary Value (Presentation, Video) |
Rd. 11 Pod. 11 |
Wed 21 May |
Role of Scientist in Decision Making (Video, Podcast 1 & 2) and Environmental Justice (Video 1, 2 and 3) |
Preliminary Results | |||
Project Presentation |
9 |
Mon 26 May |
No class - Memorial Day Holiday |
Wed 28 May |
Term Project Presentation |
Ex. 8 |
Project Presentations |
10 |
Mon 2 Jun |
Term Project Presentations |
Wed 7 Jun |
Term Project Presentation |
Final Report |
Other recommended videos: Agriculture and Food System (Video 1, 2 and 3, Podcast 1 & 2). Optional videos 1, 2, and book.
Instructions to join Hydrolearn
Due Date |
Ex. 1: Hydrolearn |
Apr/12 |
Ex. 2: Hydrolearn |
Apr/19 |
Ex. 3: Hydrolearn |
Apr/26 |
Ex. 4: Hydrolearn |
May/3 |
Hydrolearn Ex. 5. |
May/10 |
May/17 |
May/24 |
Ex. 8: Risk Analysis and Expected Monetary Value (Data, Tutorial) |
May/31 |
Reading List
Reading | Extent | Due Date |
Rd 1: Loucks and Van Beek 2017:Download book | pg 28 - 45 | Apr/2 |
Natural Flow Regime, Functional Flows 1, 2, ELOHA, CEFF, | Apr/7 | |
Rd 3: Data Completion and removing human alteration | Vogel, Kadir, Wurbs, Sandoval-Solis et al. | Apr/9 |
Rd 4: Water Budgets. DWR. Handbook, Ukiah | Budget Diagrams | Apr/14 |
Rd 5: Water Rights in California | Summary (1, 2, and 3), Allocation(Sandoval-Solis 2019) Daner et al. Section 2.5 (pg 31 - 34) | Apr/16 |
Rd. 6: Model Calibration, validation and verification | Nash Sutcliffe: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 | Apr/21 |
Rd. 7: California Water PPIC. Brochures | Water brochures | Apr/28 |
Hashimoto et al. (1982), Loucks 1998, Sandoval-Solis et al. (2011) | Apr/30 | |
Rd. 9: Reservoir re-operation | Reservoir sizing, Example, FIRO, Death to Rule Curves, for Env. Flows, Economic Analysis | May/5 |
Rd. 10: Groundwater Management | Community-based Conservation SGMA, MAR in California, FloodMAR, In Lieu MAR | May/12 |
Rd. 11: Groundwater Pollution | Podcast 1 & 2. Nitrate Contamination in California, Sustainable for Whom? | May/14 |
Listening List
Podcast | Theme | Podcast | Due Date |
Pod. 1: | Water systems, Fire and Drought | (a)Slow Water, and (b) Indigenous Water and Fire, (c) Drought and disease in the Sierra | Apr/2 |
Water Management for the Environment | (a) Functional Environmental Flows, (b) Beavers, and (c) Wild Horses | Apr/7 | |
Pod. 3: | Indigenous perspective of Water | (a) Decolonizing Water part 1, (b) part 2, and (c) CA Tribal Policy | Apr/9 |
Pod. 4: | Urban Water Management | (a) Urban Water 101, (b) Watering Urban Spaces and (c) Urban Gardening | Apr/14 |
Pod. 5: |
Agricultural Water Management |
(a) Small Farms, (b) Agriculture in the Delta, (c) San Joaquin Valley and (d) Imperial/Mexicali Valley | Apr/16 |
Pod. 6: | Indigenous and Colonial Water Rights | (a) California Native Water Rights, (b) Colonial Water Rights and (c) Socio-Hydrology | Apr/21 |
Pod. 7: | Water Policies, Diplomacy and Leadership | (a) Water inheritance, (b) Drought Management, (c) Water Diplomacy, and (d) Water Advocacy | Apr/28 |
Under-represented communities and Water | (a) Advancing Water Justice and (b) Climate Justice | Apr/30 | |
Pod. 9: | Dams, and Storage of water in Soils | (a) History of Dams, (b) Soil and water, and (c) Cover Crops | May/5 |
Pod. 10: | Sustainable Groundwater Management | (a) Water Reforms, (b) Water Education, and (c) 10 years of SGMA | May/12 |
Pod. 11: | Human Right to Water | (a) Human right to water and SGMA, (b) Water Insecurity, and (c) Env. Justice in the San Joaquin Valley | May/14 |