Water Course

California Water Course

Science, Management and Policy

                        Register                         Course Description                         Course Content                         Course Materials

Course Description

The California Water Course it's a different course of water in California, because it is: (1) Self-guided, you can take it at your own pace, you only need to attend three in-person meetings, (2) Authenticated, meaning that the course is based on real-world examples, (3) Self-interest driven, each assignment is tailor towards the interest of each of the participants, (4) Question driven, meaning that the content is based on asking questions rather than explaining topics, (5) Flipped-classroom, the theory and homework si done on your own, and the hand's on training is done during in-person events, and (6) Bilingual, you can take the class in English or Español.

Deadline to Register: May 17, 2025. Course starts: May 24th, 2025. In person meetings: June 21, July 26, and August 16, 2025. 



Objective: Provide relevant and applied education of water science, management and water policy to residents, businesses, community water advocates, and entry level professionals in California.

Audience: People working in the water sector (entry level) or people interested in water in California

Minimum requirements: Course enrollees should have basic knowledge of arithmetic and algebra

Student learning objectives: At the end of the course, the student will be able to

●       identify the natural and human-made components of their water system and recognize how they are connected

●       evaluate the current water management in their region of interest,

●       distinguish the water policies that apply in their region of interest and

●       critique and propose alternative water management for their region of interest 

Length: 40 hours: 2 hours of video content, 14 hours self-guided content, and 24 hours of in person events

Course Content

Module 1 - Water systems and basic concepts of hydrology

Module 2 - Water budgets

Module 3 - Water policy

Module 4 - Discussion of water system's self-assesment

Course Materials

Freely available at:

 Facebook search: californiawatercourse
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/californiawatercourse/

 Instagram Search: californiawatercourse
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/californiawatercourse/

 Tiktok Search: SamuelSandovalSolis
 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@user7868176383407?_t=8pfQloImBWV&_r=1

 Youtube Search: Samuel Sandoval Solis 
 YouTube Chanel: www.youtube.com/@samuelsandovalsolis5329